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Organizing Opportunities

As the BFP negotiations team continues to work toward a settlement of the 2019-21 contract, there are times when we need they need help.  It is time for members to lend that help.  The BFP is planning two organizing activities for May.

The first is a two part process.  The BFP would like to record short 30 second videos of 20 to 30 members discussing value, respect and equity and how that is missing in Bloomington Public Schools.  Those videos would then be posted on this website.  The second part of this action would be requesting all those willing to make a video, to write what you said in the video and submit it for public comment during the school board meeting on May 24th.

The second organizing activity is to participate in informational picketing.  Informational picketing would consist of carrying informational signs to get our message out to community members and parents.  The plan at this point is to picket each morning and afternoon during the week of May 24-28.  The plan would be to picket at middle and high schools in the morning from 7 am to 8:30 am and 5 of the elementary/early childhood buildings (one each day) from 3 pm to 4:30 pm.  Ideally, paraprofessionals working in the elementary/early childhood schools would do the morning picketing with middle and high school paraprofessionals picketing in the afternoon.  We would be looking for a minimum of 10 people for each morning and afternoon every day that week.  

If you are interested in participating in either or both of these organizing activities please contact Amanda Salovich at

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